Simplify your selling experience

One of the most effective ways to get top-dollar selling your home is by hiring the right agent.

Modern real estate transactions are confusing and stressful. An experienced and professional voice can go a long way in making sure you get what’s best for you. Desrochers Realty Group can help. From preparing and pricing your home to marketing, our qualified professionals will guide you through the entire process—simplifying your experience.

Pricing your home

In many ways, selling a home is one of the biggest financial decision you’ll ever make

The perfect price for your home is one that will not only maximize profit, but also attract buyers. To find the best price we’ll provide a Competitive Market Analysis: we’ll assess how much potential value there is in your home and what it means for pricing compared with other properties on the market at this time. The following factors should help determine a good selling point as well:

What prices are similar homes in your area selling for?

What are the size, layout and condition of your home?

Is your home located in a high-demand area?

Does your home include today’s most popular amenities?

What is the estimated appraisal?

What is the experience of your Realtor?

Is it a buyer’s or a seller’s market?

The best ways to sell a house in today's market

Marketing your home is about attracting prospective buyers and getting in front of them, and we offer a complete marketing solution. Our high-powered digital marketing combines expertise and strategy for success – from social media engagement to creative advertising.

The best way to show your property

Never underestimate the power of first impressions to potential buyers. Our team will help you with the vital process of preparing your home to attract buyers. We’ll help you create a welcoming atmosphere, and we provide FREE home staging consultations when listing our homes.

  • The first impression someone can get of your house from the street isn’t just an aesthetic opinion, but also speaks volumes about how much care you put into maintaining and upgrading your property. Here are some tips on maximizing curb appeal:

    • Remove any junk or clutter from the yard

    • Mow, rake and/or fertilize your lawn

    • Trim shrubbery and hedges

    • Wash, stain or paint decks and porches

    • Clean and paint or stain your front door

    • Ensure all exterior lights work

    • Clean all exterior windows

    • Clean out gutters and downspouts

    • Sweep or scoop all walkways

    • Close garage door

  • Most of the time you will be given at least a couple of hours’ notice before showing your home. Before you show your home add these small but important finishing touches:

    • Turn on all indoor and outdoor lights, day or night, to create a “welcoming” feeling

    • Leave home or remain out of sight during showings to give prospective buyers the privacy to openly evaluate everything

    • Avoid scented sprays; instead, light a scented candle, bake some cookies or add a few drops of vanilla extract to a stove burner before showings

    • Empty all trash and waste baskets before showings

    • Set the thermostat at a comfortable temperature

    • Turn off all TVs; turn on soft, melodious music

    • Take pets with you if you can; otherwise, keep them outside or well out of sight

  • Whether you’re up-sizing, down-sizing or making a cross-country move, selling your home is often the exciting start of a new adventure. We’re here to help ensure your selling process brings both financial and emotional reward.